Wednesday, 7 August 2019

How I'm Falling In-Love With Essential Oils

I absolutely love have different scents in my home. The problem is that they don't always love me, because artificial scents  trigger my migraines fierce, man. So, I got to wondering if it would be different if the scents were natural and so the research and pursuit of finding something beautiful smelling began.

In my Googling I came across essential oils and how on top of them smelling pretty they also have therapeutic properties. I know, I did I not already know this? I'm a skeptical individual who's also curious...that's how. Anyways, I decided to give it a go. Best case would be that I love it and I don't get a migraine. Worst case would be that its migraine city around here.

I found an essential oils box set with diffuser on Amazon and asked for it for my Birthday. When it showed up I was sooooo very excited. I tested it out with different smells and combination smells to much success and was so encouraged that I bought myself stand alone scents and an essential oils diffuser bracelet made out of lava beads (Its a thing).

Now, every morning I fill my diffuser with water and the essential oil I'm dreaming of that day and fill my house with beauty! Its wonderful and empowering to be able to do something I love without compromising on anything for migrainey-ness.

I'm not a sales rep with any company and, for now atleast, I don't plan to become one. All I want is therapeutic grade essential oils at a fair price. Some I've bought online and others I've bought from local shops that sell locally made organic oils. Its whatever feels and smells right in the moment and I just go with it.

I love putting my beautiful oils in the air and then doing my morning yoga. It's something almost majestic feeling. I feel fully in the moment of self-care when I combine the two. Its glorious! I've also started using lavender essential oils to help reduce the symptoms of migraine and it's been helping some, while getting me to relax through it.

I'm still extremely new to the wisdom of essential oils and I'm learning lots. If it's something you'd like to try by all means just go for it! Do some research, especially if you have pets. Some oils can be toxic to animals. Leap into it and figure out what works for you and your home and body. I'm not personally into consuming essential oils as I do not have the knowledge to do that safely and it makes me uncomfortable to even think about at this point. When it comes to putting oils on your skin, research again, as most oils must be mixed with a carrier oils before putting on your skin. Oils are highly concentrated and can cause damage if not diluted in a carrier oil. Some oils are also reactive to sunlight, so again, do your research, ask women who have the experience and the wisdom. That's what I'm doing and it's been a really holistic, old feeling, journey that I'm still in the midst of.

My next desire in essential oils is to get a diffuser for my truck to replace the artificial crap that I've been using. It'll be awesome!


  1. The only essential oil I've used on a regular basis is patchouli -- I used to make my own perfume about 25 years ago using patchouli essential oil and jojoba oil.

    1. I love patchouli! I'm slowly breaking my guys into the essential oils thing so I'm doing mostly Ginger or Lavendar and sometimes Cinnamon with Sweet Orange. I don't want to scare them
